Monday, 15 October 2012

Health & Safety

Storage: freezer temperature -18 to - 22 degrees
fridge 0 to 5 degrees
ambient stored at room temperature

Packaging: changing the packaging after the delivery will prevent cross contaminated

Preparation: time is critical leave food out to long and it can go off or get contaminated
work area needs to be clean and tidy in case of cross contaminated 

Timing: cooking the food quickly will preserve the flavor color and texture of the food 
cooking the food above 75 degrees or above will kill all bacteria on the food

Holding food: keep all food on a buffet at 63 degrees or above its legal for it to stay out as long as its at 63 degrees or above

Serving food: serving food with care so the food does not get disturbed,  split or dropped 

       H: hazard
       A: analysis
     C: critical
    C: control
P: point
follow these steps for all these : staff, kitchen, customers, risks, corrections, injury, illnesses, temperature, storage then do a risk assessment and then keep records of incidents and accidents 

Traditional French Cuts

Jardiniere: vegetables cut into baton shapes 15mm x 4mm 
Macedoine: vegetables are cut into dice 5mm x 5mm x 5mm 
Julienne: vegetables are cut into thin strips like matchsticks 3-4cm x 2-4mm 
Mirepoix: vegetables are roughly chopped into pieces in no specific size or shape, normally large pieces
Paysanne: vegetables cut into strips, circles and triangles to 1cm in diameter 
Brunoise: vegetables are cut into small dice 2mm x 2mm x 2mm